"Every M.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions." - Marijuana Anonymous Tradition Seven
Contributions pay to support our website, chips, delegates, and other expenses of MA Online. As a district, MA Online sends money to Marijuana Anonymous World Services (MAWS) in order to carry the message globally to the marijuana addict who still suffers. Below, is a PayPal button to collect 7th Tradition donations. For treasury questions, email: District13@ma-online.org .
Thank you so much for your contributions!
To make a contribution, please send through PayPal to the MA District 13 Treasurer.
Input the PayPal ID# to Treasurer’s email address: D13SeventhTradition@gmail.com
Choose "Sending to a friend" when prompted.
Here is the link to PayPal: https://www.paypal.com