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MA logo   Marijuana Anonymous Online - District 13


MA Online District 13 of Marijuana Anonymous is an online recovery community for marijuana addicts from around the world. You are a member of MA when you say you are. District 13 is served by the District Service Committee, (DSC), a group of elected officers and and General Service Representatives (GSRs). These volunteers are known as trusted servants because their primary purpose is to consider the needs and desires of all the members of the district.

The District Service Committee exists specifically to provide a global website with meetings and a 24/7 chatroom for marijuana addicts in recovery,

The District Service Committee meets monthly to conduct the business of the site. These meetings are open to all members of MA.

How to join the DSC

The election for officers occurs annually at the February meeting. GSRs are elected by meetings to represent them. Officers and GSRs must have a minimum of 6 months both clean and sober. DSC members serve as Admins in the chatroom to help provide guidance to members. If you’re interested, drop by the monthly DSC meeting to observe, or chat with an Admin to learn more.

DSC Members

District Service Committee Members

Chair, MA-Online District 13	Fox
Chat Manager			Fox
GSR				Kitcatnico
GSR				Fox
GSR				Pkcable

Last Update: 03/22/2020